Security doesn’t just end at the door. It extends throughout the entire enterprise, including the organization’s print devices, whether multi- or single-function.
Leveraging your existing employee ID badges to enable RF IDeas’ secure printing applications not only helps you ensure that sensitive documents remain confidential, it is also cost-effective. And with the RF IDeas Ethernet 241 and Discovery Tool app, it also just got easier.
With some network applications, the addition of a network drop to accommodate a card reader for secure printing is impractical. Users may want to add features, such as data encryption and standardized communication across different reader types.
The Ethernet 241 allows a pcProx® card reader and an application device to simultaneously communicate via an Ethernet connection, using a single drop. With two Ethernet ports providing a pass-through port for a printer and a second port built into the device, the Ethernet 241 provides additional features for accessing card readers.
Managing all of those Ethernet devices and readers however, can be cumbersome and create more work for network managers. The PC-based Discovery Tool quickly and easily finds all Ethernet 241 devices on the local network, making it easy to update the 241 firmware when needed, saving valuable time for network managers.
To learn how you can make secure printing easier for your organization, click here.