Tools & Utilities


rf IDEAS® Configuration Utilities

Screenshot of WAVID Plus Card Analyzer

rf IDEAS® Configuration Utility

The rf IDEAS Configuration Utility provides the ability to configure WAVE ID readers to meet your specific needs, establishing the desired credential data output and access privileges for cardholders who will be using the reader. In contrast to the using the pcSwipe™ reader for enrollment, which allows only configuration to be programmed into the reader, the rf IDEAS Configuration Utility allows creation of two separate configurations for users.

wave id nano

rf IDEAS® Bluetooth Configuration Utility

The rf IDEAS® Configuration Software utility provides the ability to configure your WAVE ID® Mobile readers to meet your needs, specifying the desired credential data output and access privileges for cardholders who will use the reader. When the WAVE ID Mobile is connected to a computer and the configuration utility is accessed, the Bluetooth configuration tab becomes active. Here, you can manage the ability to enable or disable the Bluetooth RF radio and/or RFID RF circuitry. The reader powers up with the Bluetooth low energy module off.

Ethernet 41

Ethernet 241 Configuration Utility

The behavior of the Ethernet 241 is controlled by several configurable parameters that may be viewed and changed via the command line. Each parameter is referenced by name. Parameter names, valid values, and factory default values are listed in pages 10–11 of Ethernet 241 manual. Changes to parameters will take effect on the next reboot of the Ethernet 241.

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Ethernet 41

Ethernet 241 Configuration Utility

The behavior of the Ethernet 241 is controlled by several configurable parameters that may be viewed and changed via the command line. Each parameter is referenced by name. Parameter names, valid values, and factory default values are listed in pages 10–11 of Ethernet 241 manual. Changes to parameters will take effect on the next reboot of the Ethernet 241.

wave id nano

rf IDEAS® Bluetooth Configuration Utility

The rf IDEAS® Configuration Software utility provides the ability to configure your WAVE ID® Mobile readers to meet your needs, specifying the desired credential data output and access privileges for cardholders who will use the reader. When the WAVE ID Mobile is connected to a computer and the configuration utility is accessed, the Bluetooth configuration tab becomes active. Here, you can manage the ability to enable or disable the Bluetooth RF radio and/or RFID RF circuitry. The reader powers up with the Bluetooth low energy module off.

Screenshot of WAVID Plus Card Analyzer

rf IDEAS® Configuration Utility

The rf IDEAS Configuration Utility provides the ability to configure WAVE ID readers to meet your specific needs, establishing the desired credential data output and access privileges for cardholders who will be using the reader. In contrast to the using the pcSwipe™ reader for enrollment, which allows only configuration to be programmed into the reader, the rf IDEAS Configuration Utility allows creation of two separate configurations for users.