Wiegand to USB

Configurable Wiegand Converter with flash memory for data conversion.


The Wiegand Converter integrates all standard Wiegand based reader technologies into other applications. The Converter has multiple uses: As a WAVE ID® card data converter, it translates all major Wiegand data outputs to USB. Models exist for Wiegand output from standard prox and contactless smart card readers as well as FIPS201/TWIC 200 bit CHUID output readers. Provides the computer/terminal/PLC interface when using ID badges for more than door access. The converter output is sent to the USB port either as keystrokes or through a callable DLL for software developers. Selectable card information can be configured in the converter’s flash memory using free software. Perfect for those requiring WAVE ID® functionality, but require an outdoor reader with longer read range.

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Physical Characteristics

2.5 in × 4.2 in × 0.9 in (6.4 cm × 10.7 cm × 2.2 cm)
9.3 oz (264 g)

LED: Two-state LED

Power Supply

Nominal input: 4-16V DC

USB model: supplied via USB cable

RS-232/485 model: supplied via terminal block



Software Development Kit (SDK)

Environmental Usage

Operating Temperature Range
-35℃ to 65℃ (-31℉ to 150℉ )
Operating Humidity Range

5% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing

General Information

Additional Information

Models: These work with the Wiegand output from the card reader. There is a specific model to work with readers reading TWIC, FIPS201 card that accept the 200 CHUID bits.

Relay: Normally open and normally closed

Configurable Parameters:

  • Fixing the decimal character data length
  • Define a card gone character
  • Define decimal or hex output
  • Number of parity bits to strip
  • Set the ID bit count